Amidst the devastation of World War I, a young American woman named Abigale Belorman discovers a profound calling: to restore hope to the WWI wounded soldiers. In France they were called ‘Gueules Cassees’, or ‘Broken Faces’. Using her sculpting skills, she begins crafting intricate masks that conceal the scars of war, offering a semblance of normalcy to those who have endured unimaginable suffering.
Colm Harp, a skilled metalsmith, is driven by his own wounds and a personal tragedy to join Abigale's mission. His younger brother, Danny, has returned from the war with devastating facial injuries, and Colm is determined to give him a chance at a life worth living. Together, Colm and Abigale embark on a journey of compassion and resilience, their work becoming a beacon of hope for countless wounded soldiers.